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In class

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How are classes conducted?
    All classes are on zoom, you will receive the link right after you pay and again 24 hours before the class.
  • What is online learning like?
    Online learning is a great tool that allows you to learn from anywhere in the world. It allows you to connect with amazing teachers from all over the world.
  • Can I learn at my own pace?
    Absolutely! Once you connect with a teacher, you both will work together to make a schedule that works best for you and will work at your desire pace.
  • Are all the teachers licensed?
    All of our teachers hold a Bachelors degree and years of experience. Our TOELF teachers are all certified to teach English as a second language.
  • Does online learning really work?
    That's up to you! Just like in a regular classroom, you need to pay attention and study to learn.
  • What are the technology requirements?
    We require our students to have access to a laptop or desktop computer, to a good internet connection and to make sure the camera and microphone are working correctly.
  • How old do I have to be to take a class?
    We don't have an age requirement, all we ask is for students under age to have an adult present or an adult give authorization for the student to take the class. It is recommended that the student knows how to read and write in at least one language.
  • What is the cancellation policy?
    If you need to cancel a class we require a 24 hour notice, if a 24 hour notice is not given we will charge the full amount of the class.
  • When do I have to pay?
    You need to pay before the class. If for any reason you are not satisfied you may contact us.
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